By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light
By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light
April 21, 2004
After completing my 20-month study of my basic sciences in medicine, I returned to Canada to study for my USMLE Step I (United States Medical Licensing Exam). My mother requested that I visit our local Murugan temple to thank Murugan for His help during my studies abroad. So, I went with my mother and prayed to Sri Skanda. I cried tears of gratitude and love for the uncountable occassions He had helped me in my life, including when I was studying abroad. So, I sang for Him a Thiruppugal hymn: “naatha vinthu kalaathee namo nama…”
The temple procession went well and I came home content after having seen my Lord Skanda in a temple for the first time in a looooooooooooooooooong time. The reason I emphasize the word “long” is because the place I studied medicine did not have a hindu temple at all, let-alone a Murugan murthi. Hence, I really missed seeing the beautiful hand-carved form of my beloved Sri Skanda.
As I retired for the night, I had a wonderful vision. I was back in the Murugan temple. The lights in the temple were on and all the lamps were lit so that I was able to see the deities. However, I saw a familiar face standing just outside the moolasthaanam (the place where the main deity — Skanda — resides). It was Lord Skanda — in the form of the former priest who used to do puja at the temple! He was adorned with sparkling jewelry around His neck and was wearing a wonderful veshti dressed brahmin-style. He raised His right hand in blessing and His left hand pointed to down to His feet — exactly like one of the pictures of Sri Skanda that I pray to [seen above]. I saw His sparkling smile and I immediately fell to the ground and partook paathanamaskaar from Him. I then awoke.
I realized that my Father (Bhagavan Sri Skanda) had acknowledged and blessed the return of His son.
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To enhance your puja experience, you might want to consider using the following files along side the mantra chanting. Just click on the Naathasvaram files and you’ll have background music to accompany your chants.
Maha Ganapathi Puja – Naathasvaram
Sri Skanda Jyothi Vidhana [Pancha/Shodasa/Raja] Upachara Puja – Naathasvaram
Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship