Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

Mother speaks

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Children of my being, I greet thee in the name of divine love and compassion. I would tell thee of my heart’s great desire for thee; for as a mother plans and dreams for her offspring, so I, the Mother of this universe, plan thy destiny and dream of the day when thou shall come into the fullness of manhood and womanhood and can be declared of age用erfect.

“To thee, part of my very spirit, I wish to give a word of wisdom so thy days on earth shall be illumined, that I may see thy faces radiate joy as thou expresseth the fulfillment of life’s promise to each and everyone of thee, the promise of happiness, health, abundance, peace, love, and eternal bliss.

“My beloved ones, wake up and feel my presence in thy midst. Open thine eyes and see my likeness in thy brothers and sisters. Open thine ears and hear me calling, beseeching thee to live the life of bliss. Know thyself and thou shalt know me, thy true Mother. Mother of all creation, in all, through all, living, breathing in thy midst, I AM thy brother, sister, father, mother, sweetheart, child輸LL AM I and I AM ALL.

“Hear my words, flames of my heart, and be reborn into a life of purity, love, and compassion that is one eternal moment of ecstasy beyond human conception. Enter into my heart and become my living flesh; let me breathe into thy veins my immortal life that is beyond causation, beyond moral mind with its birth, old age, disease, and death.

“Hearken unto my words; take heed of this wisdom and profit thereby.”

Mother speaks: to a Mother

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Little mother in the world, my heart beats strong in love for thee, for thou art my symbol on earth. The child thou hast conceived is but the symbol of the universe that I have conceived. Thy bringing forth of child is but a minute expression of the manifestation of all the universes in many forms that have been born from my being. The love thou dost feel for thy off-spring is but an infinitesimal part of the love I feel for all my children—plants, animals, birds, and humans. As thou dost enfold thy child in the protective garment of pure mother love, I too enfold thee in an infinite love that protects thee, beloved one.

“Little mother, part of me, be my living emblem; love all as I love, be my image in form. Let my eternal love pour through thee embracing all even as I embrace all. Open up thy consciousness into my infinite mind and set man free from sorrow’s throes by pure divine mother love. Thine is a glorious part, O woman of creation.

“Play thy part well by living as my image. Speak as I speak, letting only soft musical tones fall from thy lips. Practice the art of tongue control that thou canst know the exquisite beauty of silence, for in this language of the soul thou canst permeate thy home with peace and love. My beloved one, work as I work, for the joy of expressing the activity of life, free from the fruits of action wherein lie discord for the soul.

“Free thy mind to my infinite mind and loose the ties that bind thy thoughts to limitation. Know in action the joy of infinite strength that knows no lack. Be at peace and bring peace on earth. Be in true love, that neither ties nor binds, and asks nothing in return. Pour divine love on earth.

“Aye, truly, thy part is glorious, woman, if thou wilt play it well. Remember always when thou seest a woman’s form that it is my image. Be true unto me in every thought and word and deed and I will pour such blessings upon thee, thy days will be indeed filled with light.”

Mother speaks: to a Man

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Man, symbol of my strength, I speak to thee with tender love, and beseech thee to be true to thine own being, that women and children, young and aged, may look to thee as their divine protector, even as they look to God their Father. I, too, in utmost reverence for the presence of God I see in thee, bow to that spirit. Come forth, Son of God, and prove our trust. Reverence me in all women: in thy mother, in thy wife, in thy daughter. See them all through the eyes of purity as thy sisters.

“Would that I could inspire thee with the power to live to thy highest. Man, be true to thy self, and in so doing thou wilt be true to thy other part, woman, for together thou maketh the perfect whole. Desecrate not thine own self in woman’s form. What thou dost think and speak of her, thou dost think and speak of thyself; thou are one. Put her back on the pedestal upheld by the foundation of purity, chastity, love, and reverence. But thou too must climb to that height and stand beside her that thou canst merge into one in the One. Call upon the highest in woman that she may be inspired to answer with her innate perfection, which she has too long kept hidden. Touch her with thy magic sceptre of divine love that she may spring forth a goddess, Divine Mother among men.”

Mother speaks: to a Daughter

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Beloved daughter, my little One, child of light, draw close; sit upon my knee and nestle thy head upon my bosom and list to thy mother’s dreams for thee. Thou art the chosen one to draw mankind up from the agonies of chaos into the realm of peace. Thou, my daughter, must live thy life so pure that man will be impelled to live the life divine. The pendulum once more has swung, and now has come the hour when destiny is in woman’s hands. Raise thy face unto the light and let not thine eyes look downward nor thy footsteps falter. Rather inspire all sons to follow thee until thou dost stand side by side, hand in hand, companions in purity, lovers in God, Gods, and Goddesses, complements of each other, expressions of the Father-Mother, the One in two beings making a perfect whole.

“One woman brave enough to live the life of chastity, purity, and love, can, aye and will, set on fire with divinity the hearts of all mankind. Goddess of liberty, my beloved daughter, thou in whose hands rests the destiny of nations溶ay more, worlds悠 pray thee step forward and answer my call. March into my heart, and all shall follow thee into the realm of pure being, light and truth.”

Mother speaks: to a Son

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Son, thee I endowed with the gifts of power and strength when thou wast conceived long ages past, when earth was in its infancy, when it had just emerged in travail from my womb, and its future was but a dream. The seeds of peace and brotherhood in the three worlds I sowed within thy heart to be nurtured and watered with love and understanding until they grew into the Kingdom of God. All this I entrusted with thee. Arise, son, out of thy lethargy. Realize now thy birthright. I, Queen of all, am thy Mother; thou art my first-born prince, inheritor of my kingdom. Come forth into my light and receive thy crown of immortality jeweled with the stones of perfect manhood.

“Look upon all as thy royal family. My daughters are thy sisters; look upon them with eyes untainted by desire, but cherish and guard their purity and chastity. All fellowmen are thy kin, brothers whose veins are filled with the self-same Spirit as thine.

“Know thy oneness with everything, no matter what the form, and all separation shall cease, for all is the self-same life, my breath in all. Let me be proud of thee, son. Assert thy manhood and become a God.”

Mother speaks: to all my children

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Children, one word more before I leave thee to thy play in the garden of earth. Know I am always near, watching, guiding, guarding thee. My hand is ever ready to assist in time of need if it be wise.

“When thou art happy, the unsung song of joy from the innermost recesses of thy hearts wafts to me, and the melody is played upon the strings of my soul, even as the zephyr plays upon the harp, and I too am filled with delight.

“Come to me in fullness of thy heart’s joy as well as in need, for pain and pleasure are but the one expression of life in its extremities. Pain that seems beyond endurance and looks as an iron rod is but my loving hand placed upon thy arm to restrain thee that thou shalt not wander too far from the fold. This hand but draws thee back and points the way into the realm of bliss beyond the unreality of pain and pleasure.

“Be joyful in thy pain, knowing another step has been traversed in thy experiences on earth and thou art that much nearer to me. Be as the infant who faltering, falling, rises with laughter shining through tear-dimmed eyes to play again. Be as my little children, joyful, happy, and courageous. Play the game of life fully and know I, Mother am always near.”

Mother speaks: Benediction

By Goddess Sakthi (Divine Mother)

“Woman, for the perfection thou art inspiring in man, I bless thee. Man, for the divinity thou art calling forth from woman, I praise thee. Children of my heart, my blessing of peace and love is flowing upon thee as my arms are raised o’er thee in benediction.

“My peace I give unto thee. Beloved ones of earth, rest thou in my arms.”


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship