Gift of Strength

By Sri Skanda, Son of Siva

Lesson 10. Gift of Strength

“Soar high, as Myol the peacock rides the skies, high above the darkness of the battle below, as the evil enemies of Light line up for their final battle against truth and righteousness.

“As the dark shadows gather, Warriors of Light, ride high above the clouds where the sun of Truth ever shines.

“Be not dismayed or break rank through cowardice or fear. I am your General, and when my orders are followed, you shall come through unscathed.

“My instructions are:

Your shield against the enemy is Love,
Love which wards off all evil,
And courage to go forward
In the face of seeming defeat.
You must keep faith and know
Evil cannot and will not win.
Believe in the Light within you.
Believe in the Truth.
That is the might of my being
That dwells within you
And can lead you
Through the foe to safety.

“Warriors of my heart, many lives have we battled together and come through victorious. This, right now, is the battle of all battles, the battle to bring forth Truth upon this Earth plane.

“Fight the battle within, the battle of the senses. Fight for right with all your might and know that every step you take, I, Skanda march right beside you. Stand straight. Stand firm.

“Be stalwart, head high, shoulders firm. Walk with a firm step from this day onward, and let my strength of purpose flow through your veins. Watch your inner strength grow and grow until we meet again at the time of Sri Chandra’s full radiant light, the full moon.

“I, Skanda, Son of Siva, Give to you a gift of my eternal strength.”


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship