Rules of Conduct

By Sri Skanda, Son of Siva

Lesson 38. Rules of Conduct

“The work for which I took a form is at hand, the breaking up of the dark forces which would try to assail those of Light. The denseness of the worldly forces are becoming more and more intense as the time passes. Therefore, Children of Light of the Most High, you must pull above this dark cloud and be not a part of it. Stay in Truth within your heart and disperse the heavy fog around you.

“I give you the following rules of conduct to enable you to stay above the world and yet be of it:

“1. Watch your tongue.
It is an instrument God created to enable you to communicate with sound. Be aware at all times of that which you want created in your life, and let sounds, words and thoughts of Truth and the highest only come through your tongue.

“2. Think the highest thoughts.
Let the fearful, the degrading and the lowest thoughts of yourself and others be harnessed until a habit of positivity and spirituality prevails, and there remain only thoughts of Godliness.

“3. Act unselfishly and lovingly at all times.
If hate from others comes your way, send back Love. Be Stalwart.

“When these three are established within your life, you will rise above the darkness and futility on Earth at this period, and you will live to see manifest the glory your hearts long for.

“I will walk through the darkness with you until we come into the Light. Always I am with you. Fear not, for I walk beside you. While in contemplation in times of need, if a peacock feather appears, know it is my signal that my peacock and I, Skanda, are near.

“In times of urgency, call, ‘Skanda, Skanda, Skanda!’ and I, Skanda, will fly on Myol to your aid in the twinkling of an eye. I, Sri Skanda, Son of Siva, also known as Subramanyam, Murugan, Muruga, Karthikeya and numerous other divine names, pour my Love over you.

“My Heart beats with this eternal Love for thee, my children of the Earth who are wending thy way into my pure consciousness. I share it now with thee. Feel it flow through thee.

“I, Skanda, have spoken.”


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship