Devaraya Swaamigal

By Unknown (Translated from Tamil by Sri Meyyappan S)

Devaraya Swaamigal

I can translate it from the book of Six Kavasams I have which was printed in 1973 by Ganapathy Shasthirigal. It is in fact a brief life history of Thevaraaya Swamigal.

There is a place called “Vallur” In Tamil Nadu which has many learned people who are scholars in Tamil. There is a person called Mr. Veerasami Pillai who came in the Tradition of “Karuneega Velaalas” who use to do the job of accounting. This gentleman was also the Accountant of that town and is also a respected person with wealth and fame.

This great person did not have any off springs for a long time after which he was blessed with a beatiful male baby. The father named the child as Thevaraasan (also could be called as Thevaraayan or Devaraasan or Devarajan meaning King of Devas who is none other than Indra) as he was rivaling Indra in elegance. Thevaraayan went on to learn all the arts and went to Bangalore when he was Twenty. There he established Business and was earning huge wealth.

During that period The Maha Vidwan of Trisirapuram Mr. Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai came to Bangalore. When Thevaraasan came to know of his knowledge in Tamil Language, he invited the scolar to come and stay at his place. At that time many Tamil people in Bangalore approached Mr. Pillai and learnt Tamil Literature. Many Scholars of Tamil in Bangalore used to get doubts cleared from Mr. Pillai.

At this time Thevaraasan expressed his ambition to learn Tamil Literature to Maha Vidvan Pillai. Vidwan, who has generously gave his Tamil Knowledge to everyone without any anticipation was happy in teaching Thevarasan Tamil Literature. From that day he started teaching the best of the Tamil Literature. Thevaraasan was amazed at the Vidvan Pillai’s involvement in Tamil Language when he saw him all his time, other than teaching, in writing new poems and literature. This made him (Thevarasan) aspire also to write his poems. When he expressed his desire to his teacher he started teaching him the grammer for poems (Seyyul IlakkaNam) which is known as “Yaaparungalak Kaarikai”. There is a proverb which says that It is better to beat the “pErikai” (which is beating of a drum usually to announce war or victory or messages) and earn bread and butter instead of learning Karikai which is very very difficult. But Thevaraasan started to write his poems only after learning Karikai and he use to get them corrected them from the teacher Vidvan Pilla.

This way, within the short time of stay at Bangalore of Mr. Pillai, he wrote two great epics Kuselo Bakkiyaanam, Suutha Sangithai and got them corrected with the great assistance of Mr. Pillai. Mr. Pillai who was very happy at it, wrote the preface and introduction himself and appreciated him.

In return to the great knowledge Vidvan Mr. Pillai gave him, when he started back to Trisirapuram, Thevaraasan gave him 5000 (five thousand) white gold coinsand beatiful silk robes and got his blessings. Mr. Pillai who is not used to receive such huge gift was very happy and blessed him from the bottom of his heart and went back.

Once Mr. Thevaraasn got unbearable pain in his stomach which was not curable by any medicinal system. He realised that it is something like the stomach ache that affected The Saiva Acharyas – Thirunaavukkarasar and Pakazik Kuuthar which was curable *only* by the grace of God.

At this point Valluur Thevaraasan decided to take Darshan of Senthil Murukan so that at least with His grace he can get it cured. It was in fact the first day of Shashti. When reached in front of the merciful Lord his diseease started subsiding slowly. Thevaraasan was melted at the boundless grace of The Great Lord and the tears of happiness were running down uncontrollably from his eyes and he started singing the KAVASAMs. He sang one Kavasam every day about each padai veedu and during the Shashti Festival of Six Days he completed singing the Six Kavasams and obtained His Divine Grace. After getting rid of the dissease that was troubling him for years with the grace of Lord Murugan, he took up the “Kallaadai” and was known from that time as Thevaraaya Swamigal”. Kallaadai literally means a dress of stone but could have other meaning in Tamil. I guess it may be referring to Kavi or a saffaron Dress which is worn by those who renounce the world and take up spiritual life.

The Six Kavasams are really powerful and were recited 36 times every day by Pamban Swamigal. I have heard many many people feeling a positive difference after reciting it. It is more and more powerful usually when it is recited during difficulties. Because it is only the trials and tribulations that are capable of melting our heart and enabling us to sing the Kavasams with more love and devotion. The more involvement the more we are able to feel His Grace. Probably it could be that it is for the benefit of everyone of us Lord Murugan would have given the Stomach Dissease to Thevaraaya Swamigal.

Many of the verses in the Kavasams are nothing but the revealations of the Universal Master. In the Fifth Kavasam (Kundru Thoraadum Kumaran) one can find the description similar to the Viswaruupa Darisanam or the full manifestation of the Lord. His beauty and rupam and his tweleve arms and His grace are all described in vivid words and how all the deities and demi gods are revering him. The Sura samharam and blessing of devotees is also described in great details. It is good recite to get relief not only from diseases and from evil spirits but also to learn the highest Truth and get delivered.

May All Glories be to The Lord Of The Universe.


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship