How to perform Skanda Puja

By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light

Darshan - Puja: How to perform Skanda Puja

By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light

In front of us in the center of my altar (in my dream), where normally a picture of Bhagavan Sri Skanda resides (see picture above), was the BIG black statue of Sri Raajarajeswari from the Rochester Temple. She was decorated wonderfully with glittering gold jewelry and a nice red colored sari. Seated in front of Her was Sri Chaitanyananda!

He had a lamp lit (deepakaal) and was showing it to Devi. As He was doing this, He was chanting parts of the Devi puja that I had learned along with the Sri Suktam. My lips also followed in sync with him, as did my mother and my future wife and mother-in-law.

Whenever Sri Chaitanyananda showed the lamp, we showed the lamp. When He offered flowers, we too offered – but it was akshatas that was being offered from our hands!!! (Remember I told you how I changed the practice from offering kumkum to akshatas?!)

The strange thing about this experience was, my body felt like it was being made to do the puja! I had absolutely no control over it. When Sri Chaitanyananda picked up the deepam to offer towards Devi, my hands too picked up the deepam in front of me and started to offer that to the Devi! When he offered flowers, my hands reached over to the akshatas and offered them to Devi! I had absolutely no control over my body’s movements. It was as if Devi was controlling us and at the same time teaching us how to do the puja!

To my recollection, everything I had learned that was outlined in the Sri Chakkra Instructional Puja manual (that I purchased in 2003), I was doing with Sri Chaitanyananda and my relatives in my dream! I then awoke!

After this experience, I wondered, “Maybe I shouldn’t proceed with making the Subrahmanya puja manual? It is going to take some time to make and also maybe Devi wants me to just worship Her instead?”

So for a few months, I had this internal conflict within me – to make or not to make a puja book for Bhagavan Sri Skanda? To make matters worse, I had no idea how to start, how to put the proper order of the mantras, or even how to follow an accepted puja method?

Hence, I put this project off to the side not knowing exactly what to do. Instead, I started to chant daily a verse from Kanthar Anubhuthi (verse 45), wherein Saint Arunagirinathar sings:

Not to be disheartened by the obstacles placed by the so-called “learned” ones, I decided to turn to my SatGuru and ask Him for wisdom instead of those who conceal their learning. I begged Lord Murugan to give me guidance on how to worship Him. I chanted the above verse every morning during my nitya karmas (daily prayers).

The great thing about Lord Murugan is – He ALWAYS answers prayers said with sincerity and love. The only thing is time. One must be patient and wait for the reply, which may take seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and/or years!

While I was carrying on with my physician duties, all the while waiting for Sri Skanda’s answer, I continued to be blessed with more profound and cool dreams/experiences…

Blessings from Siva Perumaan and Parvathi Devi

I saw the upper half of their bodies and both, Siva Perumaan & Sakthi Devi were smiling and blessing me as I looked into the Yaagam. I was so happy to receive this vision. I then awoke.

I, then, went to work that day – strangely enough, I received a very important email that told me that last night’s dream was not a coincidence! The email message was from a Sri Vidya devotee (Venkat Aiya) who stated that a homam was being performed in his house and he kindly extended his invitation to me.

At the house, we sat at the homam as preparations were being made. I asked Sri Chaitanyananda, “Aiya, what type of homam are you going to do?” He responded, “Mrityunjaya homam (for Lord Siva).” As soon as he said this, my wife and I looked at each other in amazement (given the vision I had last night). Here was a Devi upasaka doing a Siva homam – bringing both the energies of Siva & Sakthi together!

Moreover, there was a yogi from the Kauai’s Hindu Monastery by the name of Dandayuthapani Aiya – who follows the Saiva Siddhanta marga (path). We were thrilled to participate in this rare auspicious homam and partake of the grace – while our thoughts fully contemplated on the vision given to us last night by Bhagavan Siva Perumaan and Bhagavathi Sakthi Devi.

The following night, I dreamt that I was seated in my home shrine in front of the Bhagavan Sri Skanda picture that I worship (see picture below). I recall the lamps being well lit and I was wearing a veshti and bare-chested. My hands were held together in the anjali mudra and I was singing a Thiruppugal song. I don’t recall what song I was singing but I noticed something miraculous!

I have a small myol (peacock) statue (see figure below) that I placed in front of Lord Murugan. It was a gift given to me by my father when I moved into my apartment at the start of residency.

So in the dream, as I was singing, the myol statue came alive and was dancing in front of Lord Murugan!!!!!!! I was surprised and filled with joy to see the myol dance to the Thiruppugal song that I was singing. It was dancing back and forth in front of Bhagavan Sri Skanda with its little plumage held up! It reminded me of Gopi – one of my pet budgies I had while in university. I then awoke.

Realizing that Lord Murugan was ready to accept this worship, I printed out the final draft of the puja manual the next day when I finished my work.

The entire Skanda Puja went beautifully. I thanked Lord Murugan for allowing us this unique privilege to pray to Him. In the conclusion of our puja, I asked (inside my heart), “Murugaa…I don’t have a physical guru – you exist in the spiritual form – so unlike other people on this Earth, I may not have learnt the proper pronunciation, methods, etc. for doing the puja – whatever you have taught me, I have done to the best of my ability. I hope and pray that you accept it. May you bless us all.” With that I went to sleep.

That night I had a wonderful dream. I dreamt that I was back in Hahnemann University Hospital working as a physician (like I normally do) and I encountered a neurology resident who is familiar to me. She asked me to go and look up something in a book – she gave me the location and said, “Tell me what you think.”

I did not do what she asked me to because I didn’t understand her command. So I waited. Moments later she came to me and asked, “So what did you think?”

I remained speechless.

When I looked, I was amazed! It was a picture of Bhagavan Sri Skanda from Hilda Charlton’s book!!!! (See figure on left) However, the figure she drew was only of His face – the resident had drawn it exactly in detail as it appears in that book – and He was smiling at me! I saw the beautiful crown and the intricate details of His face, earrings, etc. that she drew for me! I was so happy that I yelled to my surrounding colleagues, “Hey look everyone. It’s my Murugan! Look!” It was then when I awoke.

Thank you Swaminaatha for accepting our prayers/puja – you truly do accept our love and the method of our worship which is all due to your grace. I am so thankful for your help in making this puja manual and for showing the benefits of it and for taking away any doubts I may have had in making it for you.


Om Jaya Jaya Mahavira Bhagavan Sri Skanda Namo Namaha!

As we were doing that, I noticed that the picture of Bhagavan Sri Skanda (shown above) transformed into the black-and-white picture of Lord Murugan found on the cover of the Skanda Puja Manual (see figure below)! The black-and-white picture then turned back to Sri Skanda’s picture and then back again. I saw this and looked around me but the devotees were busy reading from the puja manuals that they had in their hands and chanting the 108-names of Sri Skanda. It appeared to me that I was the only one cognizant of this dual transforming picture.

I also remember offering flowers to worship Sri Murugan with each name chanted.

I awoke being greatly humbled and thankful by Sri Skanda’s generous acceptance of this divine project – to allow devotees to learn a simple puja for Him – and for blessing me and my wife to remember Him – not only daily through our worship of Him but also – in our dreams 🙂

I soon learnt that it was not just Bhagavan Sri Skanda that was accepting our prayers through this new puja vidhaanam that He graciously taught us. There were other members of Sri Skanda’s family that were being drawn by this powerful puja…

Acceptance of our puja by Sri Raajarajeswari and Siva perumaan

April 22, 2009

Last night, I dreamt that I was standing at the entrance of the Raajaraajeswari Temple in Rochester, NY. I remember seeing the beautiful Devi statue and many devotees going in and out of the temple. Amongst the many devotees, I was approached by the wife of Sri Chaitanyaananda (?Ambaal) – who came up to me and asked (in Tamil) how my wife and I were both doing. [I was alone without my wife in the dream and also in reality due to delays in our immigration visa sponsorship.]

I told her that we both were doing ok – however, I explained that we are not able to be with each other due to immigration problem with the US government.

She nodded her head in understanding. She then asked in a very kind voice (in Tamil), “How is your puja coming along?”

I replied saying that, “We are both doing it [the Skanda Puja] and I hope we are doing it correct (murai/method) and hope also that Muruga perumaan is accepting it.”

She said (in Tamil), “Show me how you do puja.”

I was startled at first, not expecting to hear this and not knowing initially what to do. Then my heart spoke saying, “Do manasa puja.”

As I stood in front of ?Ambaal, I closed my eyes and did the entire Skanda Puja with my manasu while showing the mudras that I do during puja.

When I finished, I opened by eyes and saw ?Ambaal still standing in front of me and smiling with approval.

I went through the entire puja in the order that I had learned and put together through the grace of Lord Murugan.

She was very pleased and said (in Tamil), “Very good. You keep doing that.”

She then materialized for me from her two hands, two firm round yellow-orange colored objects (i didn’t see properly) – paaku? taambulam? chanthanam? – and said, “Here…you take one and give one to your wife.”

I then fell at Her feet and did paathanamaskaaram.

At that time, Sri Chaitanyananda came and stood beside Her. He was smiling along with her and had vibhuthi smeared across His forehead. He did not look like how He normally looks when one sees him live in person – He had a particular glow or aura around His head (?Sivan).

Both stood side-by-side to each other in front of me – from my point of view, ?Sivan was on my left and ?Ambaal standing on the right. Both were smiling at me while I stood before them smiling back and holding the two gifts Ambaal gave me in the palms of my two hands. I didn’t see what was in my palms but I just felt two firm sandlewood-colored type objects – I refused to open my hands since my gaze was firmly fixed on ?Sivan and ?Ambaal.

Explaining the Subrahmanya puja to ?Murugan

April 25, 2009

Last night, I dreamt that I was doing a wonderful puja for Bhagavan Sri Skanda. In my lap was the puja manual that I had compiled through the grace of the Lord. I remember vividly chanting the mantras and hymns contained in the puja manual.

Then I noticed that two persons came and sat beside me on my left. It was an old man (?Murugapperumaan) and a lady (?Valli Ammaiyar) – she was somewhat younger than him.

He appeared very inquisitive and eager to understand what I was chanting. So, I remember doing the anga portion of the puja where the body-parts of the deity is worshipped. I then turned to the man and explained what each line of the anga puja meant – I spoke in English.

While I was explaining this to Him, I noted that His body began to change. He transformed into a very young boy! And then back again into an old man! Over and over this was taking place as I continued to explain the anga portion of the puja – line by line! The lady, too, also transformed into a very young woman and then back into the older form!

I then awoke!


Thank you Muruhaiyaa! I feel that it was you who came in my dream to make sure that I understand what it is that I chant for you when I do this puja. Thank you for allowing me and blessing me to think of you in my dream. May my mind always be filled with sweet thoughts of you and your divine lotus feet!


A deep deep deep heart-felt thank you to Lord Murugan & Lord Ganesha for helping me start and finish this manual successfully through my very busy overnight calls at Hahnemann University Hospital. I would not have even completed such a task without your unconditional blessings and guidance.

Additional deep sincere gratitude and heart-felt thanks to my beloved wife, who saw the deep thirst I had to learn how to perform Murugan Puja – thank you my dear for helping me quench it by bringing to fruition this long desired wish of mine.

Finally, I wanted to thank Sri Chaitanyananda for taking the time to create the Sri Chakra – Instructional Puja Manual and audio CD. Additional thanks to the three humble devotees of the Raajarajeswari Temple in Rochester, New York for helping me obtain the anga puja portion of this manual. Your assistance, too, is greatly acknowledged.


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship