Visit from Saint Auvaiyaar

By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light 

Education - Medicine: Visit from Saint Auvaiyaar

By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light 

Education - Medicine: Visit from Saint Auvaiyaar continued...

November 12, 2004

Last night appeared to be a continuation of the dream I had on the 11th of november. I was still seated in front of a Ganesha statue bare-chested and wearing a veshti. I was holding my hands in the Trikanda Mudra and chanting the entire Ganesha sanskrit puja mantras so easily as one sips water from the palms of one’s hand. I then awoke.

I realized that Sri Ganesha had bestowed me with the gift of His grace of worshipping Him without the need of the Ganesha Puja book that I have near my altar. As I worshipped Him, tears flowed down my cheeks as I realized the depth of His love and concern for me. He knew how challenging my clerkships were and offered a solution to me that reassured my mind that Sri Skanda was equally pleased with my worship of Sri Ganesha during Kantha Sashti. And what better way to convey this message to me than through the darshan of Saint Auvaiyar — who was graced by both Sri Ganesha and Sri Skanda.


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship