Nothing is impossible with my Grace

By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light 

Sri Skanda's Oracles - Lesson 22: Nothing is impossible with my Grace

By Sri Skanda’s Warrior of Light 

I continued to water this plant in the weeks that followed but to no avail. It was middle of October when I completely gave up on this plant. My mother, too, was saddened by the loss of this plant because when it bloomed She and I would almost always offer it to the Murugan picture that hangs on the wall in our house (see picture on left).

During the month of October, my mother and I were vigilant in observing the Navarathri Fast. Our thoughts and deeds were fixed on the contemplation of Divine Mother. However, we both knew that Kanthar Sashti would begin on Nov. 15, shortly after Navarathri ended.

The Malihai remained as I saw it in August, brown and dead. 

During Navarathri and up and until November 15, when Kanthar Sashti commenced, my mother attempted an innovative and interesting technique. She was saddened by the loss of the plant but was somehow determined to revive it by the time the Kanthar Sashti festival began so that she could offer the jasmine flower to Murugan. This was her heart-felt desire.

So, every morning, my mother would take some vibuthi in her hand and sing Thiru-Nyaana-Sambanthar Swamigal’s (who is a divine aspect of Lord Murugan) Thiru-aalavaay pathigam (“manthira maavadhu neeru”). The first verse is given below.

From Kanthar Anubhuthi:


mandhira maavadhu neeRu vaanavar mEladhu neeRu
sundhara maavadhu neeRu thudhikka paduvadhu neeRu
thandhira maavadhu neeRu samayathil uLLadhu neeRu
sendhuvar vaayumai pangan thiru aalavaayaaN thiruNeeRE. 1


The sacred ash has mystic power; ‘Tis worn by dwellers in the sky;
The ash bestows true loveliness; Praise of the ash ascends on high;
The ash shows that the tantras mean; And true religion’s essence tells;
The ash of Him of Aalavaay; In whom red-lipped Umaa dwells.

After singing the song, my mother would put the vibhuthi on the plant and then water it. She continued this every day, praying to Lord Murugan asking Him not to let the plant die. My mother wanted to offer the jasmine flower to Murugan like she used to do when the Malihai plant was alive back in July.

By the first day of Kanthar Sashti, the following miracle took place. The pictures below show the first bud sprouting from the once “dead” Malihai plant!

Additional pictures show the plant few days later in late November, with green leaves sprouting from the main stem, which returned to its original green color.

When the bud blossomed into a malihai flower, I plucked the flower, closed my eyes, thought of Sri Skanda’s feet, touched the flower on my two eyes and offered it to the Lord Murugan picture that was hanging on our wall [see below].

6 days later after the above miracle, I experienced another one of Lord Skanda’s amazing leelas…

Surprisingly, he went and sat down (on the floor) beside a red chair, on the right-hand side (from my point of view). Baba then picked up a tray with something white on it. My attention was then diverted to the figure seated in the chair — especially the person’s feet. I noticed a familiar position in the way the mysterious person was seated. His posture and silambu-adorned feet was one that I have seen before in my prayers and meditations. As I looked upwards to the person’s face, I was in pure delight. It was Sri Skanda in all His glory!!!

During my meditations and prayers, I always close my eyes and concentrate on the feet of Bhagavan Skanda.


Victory, victory to the Great Hero Lord Skanda, whom we worship